Board, Committee and Commission Vacancies
Riverside County has numerous boards, committees and commissions comprised of appointed members of the public. These appointees act in an advisory capacity to the Supervisor, in addition to acting as the Supervisor’s representatives to other members of the public. Listed below are current vacancies. If you are interested in serving, please click here for the application and return it to Jandi Aguilar at [email protected] or 37600 Sky Canyon Drive, STE 505, Murrieta, CA 92563.
Solid Waste Advisory Council ( 1 Alternate Vacancy)
The Solid Waste Advisory Council was established by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors in 1981. The role of the Solid Waste Advisory Council includes State-mandated duties of a Local Task Force, making findings, and providing advisory recommendations to the County’s Planning Commission and Board on all substantive waste management issues and solid waste facility land use matters, but also to assist the County and its cities in meeting AB 939 requirements, from the preparation and revision of the Countywide Integrated Waste Management Plan (CIWMP) to reviewing and commenting on solid waste facilities and their expansions for consistency with the CIWMP and recycling goals to the California Integrated Waste Management Board.
To learn more, click here.
Winchester/Homeland Municipal Advisory Council (2 Alternate Vacancies)
The mission of the Winchester-Homeland Municipal Advisory Council is to advise the county on matters including, but not limited to, public health, safety, welfare, public works, and planning which affect Winchester, Homeland, and surrounding areas and to assist with creative problem solving, with the goal of growing into a model city. To view a community council boundary map and search for your address click on the Municpal Adivsory Council Map.
Flood Control Commission (2 Primary Vacanccies)
The commission’s purpose is to provide for the control and conservation of flood and storm waters and for the protection of watercourses, watersheds, public highways, life, and property from damage or destruction from such flood waters. To prevent the waste or diminution of the water supply and provide for the conservation of all or any drainage, storm flood, and other waters for beneficial use.
Fair Board (National Date Festival) (1 Primary Vacancy)
The Fair Board counsels and advises the Board of Supervisors as to administrative and policy matters in connection with the Riverside County’s National Date Festival. The board currently meets the second Thursday of month and goes dark in August and February. All members serve without compensation and must adhere to the Ralph M. Brown Act.
Citrus Pest Control (1 Primary Vacancy)
The purpose of this board is to effectively suppress the Asian Citrus Plyllid (ACP) populations, which would reduce the risk of Huanglongbing (HLB) transmission. This board is comprised of commercial citrus grove property owners in the Hemet area.
The PCD Control board is comprised of local growers organized to have the legal authority to effectively control, eradicate, or respond to the impacts of invasive agricultural pests and/or diseases.
County Service Area 149 AC (1 Primary Vacancies and 5 Alternative Positions)
The purpose of this committee is to study general specific issues and problems related to the County Service Area 149. In addition, members with advice and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on road maintenance and improvements, budget, and other matters that may affect said Area. The Advisory Committee shall also recommend to the Board of Supervisors an annual budget for County Service Area No. 149.
In-Home Supportive Services (1 Consumer Vacancy)
The purpose of the IHSS Advisory Committee is to serve as a liaison for communication between the Board of Supervisors, IHSS Public Authority, Department of Public Social Services, and the consumers/clients and their providers (home care providers) in the Riverside County IHSS program. In the course of educating, empowering, and advocating for the IHSS community, it is the Committee’s responsibility to seek out input from those participating in IHSS, incorporate their voices in reports to all stakeholders, and recommend ongoing improvements to the IHSS program.
Community Action Commission CAC (1 Vacancy)
The primary purpose of the Community Action CommissionCAC is to provide guidance to the Board on anti-poverty programming, funding and to amplify the needs of low-income communities and residents.
To learn more, click here.
Community Facilities District Special Tax Review Board (1 Vacancy)
The purpose of the Community Facilities District Special Tax Review Board is to interpret and make determinations relative to the administration of the Rate and Method of Apportionment of Special Tax for each Community Facilities District established by the County of Riverside and to direct the Administrator for the Community Facilities District to correct any error and to make appropriate adjustments.
Historical Commission (1 Vacancy)
The Riverside County Historical Commission is charged with discovering and identifying persons, events, and places of historical significance in Riverside County and advises the Board of Supervisors in historical matters. The Commission consists of eleven members appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
For more information click here.